Filing Returns
FAQ's about filing sales tax returns
- Pennsylvania sales tax filing update May 2018: Marketplace facilitator laws
- How do I file my returns using TaxJar?
- Can TaxJar AutoFile overdue returns?
- Maryland Sales Tax Filing Update November 2019
- How often do I need to file?
- Sales tax rounding in your report and your sales tax return
- August 2019: Hawaii Report Updates
- Does AutoFile support Annual Reconciliation returns?
- Florida April 2019: Missing 2.5% surtax column in the DR-15 form
- Tips for marketplace sellers filing your Washington sales tax return
- Washington sales tax filing 2018 update: Marketplace facilitator laws
- Will Amazon file sales tax returns for me?
- How to Contact the State Department of Revenue
- Colorado Reports: Location Codes vs Location IDs
- How do I file an amended return?
- January 2019: Tips for filing a Colorado Sales Tax Return
- I didn't collect any tax this filing period. Do I need to file a $0 return?
- Can TaxJar file my Texas Franchise Tax return?
- When will I see the next return filing due date in my TaxJar account?