Colorado Reports: Location Codes vs Location IDs
The Location Codes that we list in the Colorado Sales Tax Report (ex. 01-0006, 02-0043, etc.) can also be called "jurisdiction codes", or "location jurisdiction codes".
- These codes are assigned by the state, and you can find a list of Location Jurisdiction Codes here.
When you are filing your Colorado sales tax return, you will see a list of Location IDs to select.
- The Location IDs that you're seeing when filing your Colorado sales tax return are unique IDs issued by the DOR to the taxpayer when a taxpayer registers a location (ex. Your CO State Taxpayer ID+0001, Your CO State Taxpayer ID+0002, etc.).
- We have more information on registering for Colorado locations here.
We do not generate Location IDs in our Sales Tax Reports because they are taxpayer-specific, but you should be able to reference which Location Code the Location ID is associated with, and then match the jurisdictions by name.
- If you need assistance matching the Location Codes to your Location IDs, we would suggest consulting directly with the state's DOR.
- CO DOR Phone Number: 303-238-7378. Press 4 for Sales Tax & More, then 0 to speak to a Sales Tax Expert.