When can I make exemption or product categorization changes to my AutoFile return?

I want to make changes to product categorization and exemptions before my return is filed. How can I be sure those changes will be applied to my return?

  • Always check your AutoFile Dashboard to determine if the data in your Reports can be edited or updated.

  • You can safely mark individual wholesale transactions as exempt or categorize additional products as exempt from your Product Categorization & Exemptions page if the Filing Status is: Ready to Schedule or Filing Soon.
  • Changes to mark items as exempt or apply product categorization won't be reflected in your AutoFile return if the state's Filing Status is: Ready to File, In Progress, Submitted, Issue or Completed.
  • Items you mark as exempt or categorize as exempt when the state's Filing Status is Ready to File, In Progress, Submitted, Issue or Completed will be viewed as fully taxable when your return is AutoFiled and you will pay sales tax on those transactions.

How do I mark an item as wholesale/exempt while my state's Filing Status is Ready to Schedule or Filing Soon on my AutoFile Dashboard?

How do I make changes to product categorization while my state's Filing Status is Ready to Schedule or Filing Soon on my AutoFile Dashboard?

* If you see a status of "Issue" on your AutoFile Dashboard, please reach out to TaxJar Support for more detail regarding your return.