Spreadsheet: Importing data via Orders Template
If you have sales from e-commerce platforms (or a brick and mortar store) outside of our direct integrations, you can import them using a CSV file HERE. You'll need an active TaxJar subscription to access this link.
If you have not already, we recommend reading this support article, "Importing Data with a Spreadsheet" to confirm if you should use the Line Item template, and to review for other spreadsheet-specific FAQs.
- We share more detail here about why you should send line items. By passing in line items, you can use product_tax_codes to communicate to TaxJar what type of products are included in an order.
- Please note, the headers differ slightly from the Line Items template and these two templates are not interchangeable.
If you'd like to edit data on your AutoFile returns due this month, you will need to pause your filing before your report locks (this date is detailed on your AutoFile email notification sent on the 1st of the month) in order to request TaxJar to make changes to your data. You should pause your return from your AutoFile dashboard while you are waiting for a response to your support request. We show you how to PAUSE a filing here. It's imperative that you use the pause modal before your report locks if you're not ready for TaxJar to file your return.
If you choose to import data using the Orders template, please follow these formatting guidelines:
provider | Required. Please use lowercase to map to known providers (ie: “ebay” and “amazon”) If the sale is conducted in-store or via an unsupported platform, then any unique keyword can be input: (ie: mycart, instore, popupshop, cash). |
order_id | Required. Alphanumeric.Re-using the same order_id will over-write the previous order! |
transaction_type | Recommended: Empty defaults to “Order” Accepts “Order” or “Refund”. All values for "refunds" are negative and that all values for "orders" are positive. |
transaction_reference_id | Link refunds to the original order by filling in the order’s transaction_id here. Requirement: Needs rows with transaction_type = "Refund" |
completed_at | Required. Please use the ISO-8601 format in either Date or DateTime (YYYY-MM-DD). Cannot be in a future year. Other date formats can be used, however, ISO-8601 will always be parsed correctly. |
customer_name | Optional |
shiptostreet | |
shiptocity | |
shiptostate | Required. Use 2-letter or 3-letter codes. (eg: NY, NC) |
shiptozip | Required if US address |
shiptocountrycode | Required. Use 2-letter country codes (eg: US, CA) |
from_street | |
from_city | |
from_state | Recommended. Use 2-letter codes (eg: NY, NC) |
from_zip | Recommended |
from_country | Recommended Use 2-letter country codes (eg: US, CA) |
shipping_amount | |
handling_amount | |
discount_amount | |
total_sale | This amount should be the subtotal (item price * quantity) + handling + shipping - discount. However, you would not need to include the sales tax amount in this column.
sales_tax | |
exemption_type | You can denote exempt transactions via spreadsheet upload for marketplace facilitators, wholesale or resale, or government or exempt entities.