TaxJar Advisor Account: Getting started

❗️Important: For interested tax advisors, please review recent changes to our partner program here.

For existing TaxJar tax advisors, this article covers:

How to set up your TaxJar Advisor Account settings

  • Log into your TaxJar Advisor account, and complete your Business Profile with the details that confirm your account ownership, including your business name, address, phone number and the email address you used to create your account.
  • Changing the email address on this page will also change the email address you use to login to your account.

How to navigate your Client Manager

Your Client Manager is the main page of your TaxJar Advisor account and from this page you'll have an at-a-glance view of all of your connected client accounts.

  • The Status column shows you the status of all outstanding invitations, as well as the subscription status for accounts that have accepted your invitation. 
  • Active Linked Accounts shows the number of carts your client has connected to their TaxJar account.
  • AutoFile Enrollments displays the number of successfully completed AutoFile enrollments. (Enrollments that are in a Pending or Issue status will not be counted in this total.)
  • Next Filing Deadline shows the next filing due date for a state on that client's TaxJar Dashboard.
  • In the Account column, click "View" to view that client's TaxJar account.

How to invite a client to your TaxJar Advisor account

Click the green "Add New Client" button at the top of your Client Manager and you'll see the option to invite a client to your TaxJar Advisor account.

  • Complete the blank fields and click "Send Invitation" to get started.
  • Each time you invite a client, you'll also need to choose who will be automatically billed by TaxJar for this account by selecting either "Our company" or "Client."

Once you send the invitation, your client will receive an email notification that you have invited them to join your TaxJar account.

  • They'll need to click the "Accept Invitation" button in that email and create an account (if they haven't done this yet) to accept your invitation.

After your client completes the process, you'll receive an email notification to confirm that they've done this step.

  • The next time you log into your TaxJar Advisor account, you should see the new client account listed in your Client Manager.

How to enable notifications for your connected client accounts

When you connect your client's TaxJar account to your TaxJar Advisor account, you are now managing their TaxJar activities.

  • When a client accepts an invitation to join your account, all account and email notifications will then automatically be transferred to you.
  • We provide more information here on managing these notifications.

How to navigate your AutoFile Manager

As a TaxJar Advisor, you have the ability to purchase AutoFile Credits for discounted pricing on AutoFile returns for your connected clients.

  • Click the "AutoFile" option in the upper left side of your account's navigation bar to reach this page and purchase Credits in groups of 10, 50, 100, or 540. 
  • Once you purchase Credits, this page will also show you the number of Credits that have been used and the remaining number of your purchased Credits.
  • Then, purchased AutoFile credits are automatically applied across multiple clients connected to your TaxJar Advisor account.