October 2018: Colorado Report Updates

October 2018:

We've made some updates to the Colorado Sales Tax Report in your TaxJar account to match the state's e-file form more closely. 

  • These changes should eliminate the need to do additional calculations and make it even easier to file your Colorado returns!

Here's what has changed:

1) Gross sales are more accurately divided between the Sales Tax Return and Retailer's Use Tax Return.

In the previous version of this Report, the Gross sales column in the Sales Tax Return portion of the Report included the Gross sales totals from the Retailer's Use Tax Return portion of the Report:

In the updated version of this Report, the Gross sales totals from the Retailer's Use Tax section of the Report have been deducted from the Sales Tax Return section so you don't need to do this step when you file manually: 

2) Sales Outside of the Taxing Area have been added to the Retailer's Use Tax section of the Report.

When you file the Retailer's Use Tax return worksheet for RTD and CD sales, the state requires you to report "Sales out of taxing area":

Previously, we listed this detail in the Sales Tax Return Section of the Report, but it was not broken out in the Retailer's Use Tax section of the Report:

The updated Colorado Report now shows you the details you would need to enter as "Sales out of taxing area" in the "Sales Outside Area" column:

One thing to note is that the state does not allow you to report "Sales out of taxing area" when you fill out the Retailer's Use Tax return's RTA worksheet. 

  • Because this area is un-editable when you file, you won't see sales out of taxing area totals in the RTA row: 

3) We've saved you some clicks!

In the previous version of the Report, you'd need to click each arrow to toggle the Report open and see the totals for those rows. 

  • In some cases, the row contained only $0 amounts, so clicking the arrow to expand didn't change the Report:

In the new version of the Report, you won't be able to click rows that won't actually change if you "expanded" them:

  • The City/Lid amount is all $0 so there's no arrow that indicates you should click to see more details.

4) A new section has been added to separate details for self-collecting Home Rule cities if you are located in one of these cities.

In the previous version of the Report, sales to Self-Collecting Home Rule Cities were included in the Sales Tax Report section of the Report and were not called out specifically as Home Rule Cities.

Now, if the nexus address in your Colorado State Settings is located in one of the Self-Collecting Home Rule cities, the details for that city will be removed from the Sales Tax Report section of the Report and listed in a new section to make it easier for you to file your Home Rule city return:

Please note: Sales for the Self-Collecting Home Rule cities must be filed separately and cannot be reported in the State Sales Tax Return and Retailers Use Tax Return.

If you'd rather outsource your Colorado Sales Tax Return and Retailer's Use Tax Return, TaxJar can AutoFile this return for you.