Hawaii: How to grant TaxJar access to your Hawaii Tax Online account

After you complete the AutoFile enrollment form, you'll see a " Pending" status on your Dashboard, which means our Filing Team needs to review all of the details you submitted to verify that everything is accurate.

  • This review typically is complete within seven business days. 

My Hawaii AutoFile enrollment has been Pending for longer than seven days. Why?

Hawaii enrollments may remain in a "Pending" state a bit longer than other state enrollments because we also need to request 3rd party access to your Hawaii Tax Account in order to AutoFile your returns. 

  • Hawaii's Department of Taxation has to mail you a letter that contains the details you'll use to grant TaxJar access to file your returns. After our team initiates the request to file your returns with the state, you'll receive the following email from TaxJar:

What happens next?

Be on the lookout for this letter from the state. It should come via physical mail to the contact address you provided in your registration details. Once you receive that letter, please:

  1. Visit the URL in the letter from the state and type in the confirmation code and authorization code from the letter to confirm with the state that you have approved access for TaxJar to file your returns.
  2. Log back into your TaxJar account and re-save your AutoFile enrollment form. This will alert our system that you have granted access in your Hawaii Tax Account.

How can I know when I'm successfully enrolled in AutoFile for Hawaii?

After you re-save your enrollment form, our Filing Team will check to verify that we have the full access needed to file on your behalf. 

  • Once the access is confirmed on our end, you'll receive an email notification that you have been successfully enrolled and this letter will confirm the filing period for the first Hawaii return TaxJar will AutoFile for you.

Can TaxJar AutoFile my Hawaii returns before I'm successfully enrolled? 

We won't be able to AutoFile returns on your behalf until after you are successfully enrolled in AutoFile for any state. For Hawaii, this means we are not able to AutoFile returns for you until we have 3rd party access to your Hawaii Tax Online account. 

  • Due to the delay of the physical letter that contains your confirmation code and authorization code, we won't be able to file your Hawaii return if we are not able to verify that we have 3rd party access to your account by 5pm ET on the last day of the month prior to the month your return is due. 
  • If your enrollment is still pending after 5pm ET on the last day of the month your return is due, you will need to file that month's return manually.