What do I need to enroll in AutoFile for New York?
To enroll in AutoFile for New York, you'll need the details listed below:
New York AutoFile Enrollment FAQ
What's my State Registered Business Name?
- This is the business name you provided to the state when you registered for your sales tax license.
- It should be listed on your sales tax registration paperwork.
What's my NY State Tax ID?
- This is the 9 digit state certificate number you receive from the state when you register as a sales tax vendor (normally your Federal Tax ID).
- If you are a sole proprietor, the state might have issued you a state tax ID that begins with a TF. Please provide us with that ID including the TF followed by 7 digits.
What's my State Login and State Passcode?
- We have more details about these credentials here.
What's my State Assigned Payment Schedule?
- This is the filing frequency assigned to you by the New York DOR.
- If you're not sure of this detail for your account, you can contact the New York State DOR at 518-485-2889 and select option 1 for a representative to confirm your account details. We list contact details for the states here.
What's my First Filing Period?
- Pending successful verification, the period listed here is the estimated first filing period TaxJar will file.
- The First Filing Period is based on the date the enrollment form is saved and the payment schedule.
Is there anything else I need?
- We will gain 3rd party access to your state tax account.
- New York requires a signed E-ZRep Authorization form to add users to our 3rd party account to file.
- This form will be provided to you by TaxJar via HelloSign during the enrollment verification process.
- Once we gain access, you will receive a confirmation from the state letting you know Stripe's agent, Mark A. Austin has been given access. Mark is a Stripe Team member and our Point of Contact for the account with the state.
- Here is an example of this letter.