Address of nexus guidelines

When you're adding nexus states to your TaxJar account, here's what we recommend for the "Address of Nexus" in the State Settings.

State Settings Address of Nexus guidelines for non-FBA sellers:

- For destination based states, you are not required to add an address, but it can be helpful if you have a physical address in the state.
- For origin based states, you need to add an address--at least city and zip, so that we know where orders are originating from.

State Settings Address of Nexus guidelines for FBA Sellers:

- You should always add your home state location as the nexus address for the state where you are located.
- If your only nexus in the state is because of an FBA warehouse, you can leave the nexus address in your State Settings blank and our system will default to an Amazon warehouse.
- If you have nexus in Destination based states that are non-FBA warehouse states, you are not required to add an address for that state.
- If you have nexus in Origin based states that are non-FBA warehouse states, you should enter an address for that state--at least a city and zip.
- See more details for handling nexus addresses for FBA sellers here.

State Settings Address of Nexus guidelines for Sellers with Economic Nexus only:

- If you don't have nexus for other reasons and you need to collect in a state because you have Economic Nexus, you are not required to add a nexus address in your State Settings for that state.
- If you are using the TaxJar API and need to collect in a state where you have economic nexus only, we recommend following the guidelines listed here.

State Settings Address of Nexus guidelines for Sellers using the TaxJar API: 

- You should add states where you'd like to see sales taxes collected to you State Settings or you can use the optional  nexus_addresses  parameter (listed here in the API Guide) as we explain in this Guide.