What are flex fees?

What happens if I exceed my subscription's monthly order limits?

We realize your order* volume may fluctuate above the order limit for your plan at times. If you go over your allotted order limit during a single month, we will automatically charge you the difference between your current plan and the plan that matches your usage level that month. 

  • The next month you'll start back on the original plan that you subscribed to, and the process will repeat itself again. 
  • If that happens, you'll see a line item for "Flex Fees" listed in your invoice.

This happens automatically to ensure there is no interruption in service for either your sales tax calculations, your order imports for sales tax reporting, or both.

Each user who signs up for an active TaxJar subscription is shown this detail during the checkout process and is required to agree to the terms of Flex Fee billing in order to complete their purchase:

Flex fee FAQ's:

Will I be billed any type of penalty fee when I am billed a Flex fee?

No. We don't add any additional penalty fees just because you went over your plan's limit--you'll simply be billed for the plan that covers your order volume during the month you exceeded your plan's order limit.

Should I choose a different subscription plan when I get a Flex fee?

We recommend choosing a plan that matches your average volume in your non-peak sales months. This will keep you from being on a plan that's too large for the majority of the year, and will ensure that you only see Flex fees when your sales fluctuate above your regular totals during peak sales periods. 

If you see Flex fees more frequently during non-peak sales months, it's probably time to consider upgrading to the plan that best matches your current monthly order volume

When will I see Flex fees on my invoice?

You will see the Flex fee any time you go over your plan's monthly order limit.

* Please note that any API tax calculations or rate lookups that we provide are counted towards your monthly order limit."