Detailed Sales Tax Analysis FAQ

Why does the Detailed Sales Tax Analysis ask for an address?

  • Origin-based states calculate sales tax differently when you are shipping from within - and to - an address located in that state. 
  • To better determine the expected sales tax due for those states if you don't have a physical location within the state, we recommend checking out the individual state sales tax reports from your Dashboard. 
  • Those reports will have a breakdown of your sales with sales tax logic and state-specific decisions applied, including rounding, sourcing, and handling of refunds to accurately determine the expected sales tax due. 

How to see your total gross sales

If you need to have the total gross sales figure for all states, from your Dashboard, click on the link for the detailed sales tax analysis report.

  • Use the filters at the top left of the report to select the time period you need to total.
  • Scroll to the bottom of the report to see the totals for all states.