Do I need to register for a sales tax license in order to use TaxJar?
No, you can certainly use TaxJar without having registered for any licenses. You also do not need to register for a sales tax license before trying TaxJar!
Please keep in mind that you are required to register to collect sales tax from customers in states where you have nexus.
- You will always have nexus in your home state.
- We discuss other nexus requirements here.
Besides their home state, many customers use TaxJar to track sales in additional states where they could potentially have economic nexus.
- Our Sales & Checker Feature can help you identify where you may have crossed the threshold for economic nexus, and therefore help you decide on when to register.
- We also talk more about the timing of registering for a sales tax license here.
Once you've decided if you need to register, we show you how to register here!