What do I need to enroll in AutoFIle for Rhode Island?
To enroll in AutoFile for Rhode Island, you'll need the details listed below:
Rhode Island AutoFile Enrollment FAQ
What's my State Registered Business Name?
- This is the business name you provided to the state when you registered for your sales tax license.
- It should be listed on your sales tax registration paperwork.
What's my State Tax ID?
- This is the account ID you received from the state when you registered for your sales tax license. The account ID is 11 numbers and is usually your FEIN followed by two zeros.
Additionally, to complete the enrollment, you'll need to grant TaxJar 3rd party access by following these steps:
- Login to your account on the Rhode Island Division of Taxation website. From the top navigation menu, select ‘Manage Authorized Users under the "Profile Information" drop down.
- Select the box Add New Authorized User
- Add : TaxJar3P
- Select appropriate business and set the Start Date as the first day of the current year. Leave the end date blank.
- Click Tax Type Authorizations
- Select Sales (set start date as first day of the current year. Leave end date blank)
- Select Tax Type Functions
- Assign the following functions:
- File Forms
- Make Payments
- Click ‘Ok’ in the bottom right corner.
- Select Retail Sales, if available (set start date as first day of the current year. Leave the end date blank).
- Select Tax Type Functions
- Assign the following functions
- File Forms
- Make Payments
- View License
- Click ‘Ok’ in the bottom right corner.
- Upon returning to the Tax Type Authorizations page, click ‘Ok’ in the bottom right corner.
- You may receive a popup, ‘Changes will take effect after selecting Save on the User Detail Page,’ click ‘Ok’ again.
- On the User Details page, click ‘Save’ in the bottom right corner.
- Lastly on the confirmation page, confirm all five functions listed above have been assigned and click ‘Confirm’ in the bottom right corner.
What's my Sales / Filing ID?
- This is the numerical ID assigned by the state to your active sales tax account. The account ID is 9 numbers and can be found in your Rhode Island Taxpayer Portal account.
What is my State Login and Passcode?
- This is your Rhode Island User ID and password you created which allow you to login to the Rhode Island Taxpayer Portal website.
What's my State Assigned Payment Schedule?
- Your filing frequency is assigned to you by the state based on the amount of sales tax you collect for the period.
- If we can not verify your state assigned payment schedule during the verification process, TaxJar may ask you to provide documentation of your filing frequency. This request would come via email after submitting your enrollment form.
- If you're not sure of this detail for your account, you can contact the state and ask them to confirm this detail for you. (We list contact details for the states here.)
What's my First Filing Period?
- Pending successful verification, the period listed here is the estimated first filing period TaxJar will file.
- The First Filing Period is based on the date the enrollment form is saved and the payment schedule.
What else should I know?
- If you are registered as an SST filer in Rhode Island, please contact support for assistance with your enrollment.