What do I need to enroll in AutoFile for Illinois?
To enroll in AutoFile for Illinois, you'll need the details listed below:
Illinois AutoFile Enrollment FAQ
What's my State Registered Business Name?
- This is the business name you provided to the state when you registered for your sales tax license.
- It should be listed on your sales tax registration paperwork or within your MyTax Illinois account.
- Your Business Name must exactly match the business name associated with your state registered address.
What's my Illinois Account ID?
- This is the 8 digit number you received from the state when you registered for your ST-1 account.
- It should be listed on your sales tax registration paperwork.
What's my State Username and State Password?
- This is the username and password used to gain access to your MyTax Illinois state account here.
What's my Last Payment Amount?
- This is the last payment you made for your sales tax account to the state of Illinois.
- If you've never made a sales tax payment to Illinois, please enter $0 as the payment amount.
What's my First Name and Last Name?
- This is the first and last name on file with the state of Illinois.
What's my Business Phone number?
- This is your daytime business phone number.
What's my State Assigned Payment Schedule?
- This is the filing frequency assigned to you by the Illinois Revenue Department.
- If you're not sure of this detail for your account, you can contact the state's DOR and ask them to confirm this detail for you. (We list contact details for the states here.)
What's my First Filing Period?
- Pending successful verification, the period listed here is the estimated first filing period TaxJar will file.
- The First Filing period is based on the date the enrollment form is saved and the payment schedule.
Additional Steps:
1. Update your Physical Location(s) in Illinois:
- Check your TaxJar Illinois State Settings.
- Update your Illinois Primary Address following these guidelines.
- Add your Illinois in-state business address (do not add an Amazon FBA warehouse address as Address of Nexus).
Out of state sellers should leave Primary Address fields blank.
2. Activate ST-2 return in your account
- Due to Illinois' sourcing rules, remote sellers must add or activate their ST-2 prior to enrolling in Illinois AutoFile.
- If you don't have that already activated, please call the Illinois DOR Central Registration Division at 217-785-3707 or by email: REV.CentReg@Illinois.gov
For more details about these credentials or for registering for an Illinois sales tax permit, click here.