Once I sign up for an account, how far back does the data go?

When you sign up for a free trial of TaxJar, you’ll automatically see your last 60 days of sales data.

When you upgrade to a paid TaxJar subscription, one of the following two things will happen depending on when you upgrade to a paid plan:
  1. If you upgrade between the months of April and December, then TaxJar will import your data back to the top of the current year.
  2. If you upgrade between January and March, then TaxJar will import your data back to the top of the previous year.

Can TaxJar import data from a previous year?

Yes. If you need more historical data, such as transactions from earlier, we can also import your transactions from previous years for a one-time fee for each year imported.

  • To request an import of your transactions from a previous year, please go to your Transactions Page and click Actions.
  • Then, select "Request for Prior Year(s) Data" in the drop-down menu. 

  • On the next screen, you'll be able to purchase an import of data from a previous year and you'll see pricing based on your transaction volume.
  • NOTE: If you are in a free trial, you'll need to end your trial and upgrade to an active subscription first:

What is the price for importing previous data?

The pricing for importing data from a previous year is based on the transaction volume of the data we have imported for your account and the subscription plan you signed up for. If you do not see your subscription plan listed below, please contact support for pricing. 
Keep in mind that this pricing reflects the charge for a  single year backfill request. If you request more than one year of backfilled data, you would multiply the price shown by the number of years requested. 

Starter & Professional backfill pricing per year

Plan level OR order volume Backfill price
200 Orders/up to 200 orders per month $25
500 Orders/up to 500 orders per month
1k Orders/up to 1,000 orders per month $100
2.5k Orders/up to 2,500 orders per month $125
5k Orders/up to 5,000 orders per month $150
10k Orders/up to 10,000 orders per month $175
25k Orders/up to 25,000 orders per month $200
50k Orders/up to 50,000 orders per month $225
75k Orders/up to 75,000 orders per month $250
100k Orders/up to 100,000 orders per month $275
250k Orders/up to 250,000 orders per month $300
500k Orders/up to  500,000 orders per month $325
1m Orders/up to 1,000,000 orders per month $350
2.5m Orders/up to 2,500,000 orders per month $375
5m Orders/up to 5,000,000 orders per month $400
7.5m Orders/up to 7,500,000 orders per month $425
10m Orders/up to 10,000,000 orders per month



  •  As of April 13, 2018, Amazon began archiving order data prior to 1/1/16. TaxJar is working on a method to import data from Amazon prior to 1/1/16, but at this time, if Amazon has archived your data for this time period, we will not be able to import Amazon orders between the date ranges of 1/1/12 through 12/31/15.
  • Walmart has a limit of 90 days as we explain here.

To request an import of your transactions from a previous year, please go to your Transactions Page and click Actions. Then, select "Request for Prior Year(s) Data" in the drop-down menu. 

If you average more than 10,000 transactions per month, please contact support@taxjar.com regarding pricing for importing your transactions from a previous year.