My sales tax filing reminders are for the wrong filing frequency.
When we add a new state to your Dashboard, our system may automatically default* to monthly filing due dates for each state.
- However, the states themselves determine the official filing frequency for each taxpayer--it can be either monthly, quarterly, semi-annually or annually, depending on the regulations of each state and your sales volume.
- *New York defaults for quarterly because New York does not support a monthly filing frequency.
If the frequency you see in your reminder email doesn't match the frequency the state has assigned you, please update your filing frequency in your TaxJar account.
- To do so, navigate to your Dashboard, and look for the 'wrench icon' underneath the state with the incorrect frequency.
- On the next screen, you can select "Payment Schedule" and choose the proper frequency from there.
- Once you "Save Information" your Dashboard will reflect the correct filing frequency and your reminder emails will be updated for the upcoming months.