Why was a new nexus state added to my Dashboard?
Reasons you may see a new nexus state on your Dashboard:
- You've indicated that you have a location in the state.
- You've collected tax in that state.
- You've had inventory stored in that state.
- Your Marketplace is automatically collecting and remitting tax for you in that state.
- You've manually added the state as a nexus state.
- Can I remove a state from my Dashboard?
You'll see a state on the Dashboard if you've indicated that you have a location in the state.
- If you're located in a state that has sales tax, you'll automatically have nexus in your home state.
- If you've added a primary business address in a US state that has sales tax to your Business Profile, that state will be added to your Dashboard. (If your primary business address is located in a US state that does not have a sales tax, you won't see that state added to your Dashboard.)
You'll see a state on the Dashboard if you've collected tax in that state.
Our system will automatically add a state to the "States in which you are collecting sales tax and filing manually" section of your Dashboard if we see actual sales tax collected on an order that was shipped to that state.
- You can find the order(s) with tax collected in the new state that was added to your Dashboard here in your Transactions by filtering the transactions by the State Name and 'sales tax was collected.'
- If you determine that you don't have nexus in a state after you've collected tax, we'd recommend that you first refund the tax collected to the customer as the states consider it unlawful to collect sales tax without a license.
You'll see a state on the Dashboard if we believe you've had inventory stored in that state.
If you sell via Amazon FBA, TaxJar will add the Amazon Fulfillment badge feature to your Dashboard next to a state name to denote states where you have nexus due to FBA inventory to help you determine the states where your inventory has been stored.
- You won't see tax collected in a state that was added with the Amazon badge until after you enable tax collection for that state in your Seller Central account.
Similarly, if you’re using the TaxJar API, sending a new Ship From address will indicate to TaxJar that you may have nexus due to having inventory being stored and shipped from that state.
You'll see a state on the Dashboard if your Marketplace is automatically collecting and remitting tax for you in that state.
If one or more of your carts is acting as a Marketplace Facilitator, you'll see the state on your Dashboard when your cart begins collecting.
- Though your Marketplace is collecting and remitting the tax, you may still be required to file a return.
- We explain how to determine your next steps, in each Marketplace Facilitator state here.
You'll see a state on the Dashboard if you've manually added the state as a nexus state.
- If you've manually added a state to the list of nexus states in your State Settings, that state will also be added to your Dashboard.
Can I remove a state from my Dashboard?
Yes, you can remove any state from your Dashboard by clicking the wrench next to the filing frequency and then selecting "Remove Nexus" at the bottom of the state settings page.
- Note that once you've removed a state from your Dashboard, you won't be able to see it on your Dashboard unless you visit your State Settings and click "Reinstate Nexus".
- Please note that we will only add a state to your dashboard if it has never been added before. Additionally, we will not add a state again for any of the above reasons, if you manually remove the state from your Dashboard.