How TaxJar works

TaxJar offers automated sales tax  Reports for multi-channel online sellers. You can connect your online carts and/or marketplaces (where you sell) and we'll download the data and compile it into detailed Reports so you can easily file sales tax returns in the states you have sales tax nexus.

We recommend  following each of TaxJar's Steps To Success so you can be sure that you are setting up your account to properly handle your sales tax compliance. 

We also offer the  AutoFile feature which will automatically file your sales tax returns on your behalf.

Once your account is connected, we'll need a bit of time to import your transaction data. When the import is complete, you'll receive an email from us letting you know your reports are ready.

When we're done, you can view your automated sales tax Reports by following these steps:
1) Click the "Sales Tax Report" button under the state name on your  TaxJar Dashboard.
2) Use the navigational arrows at the Top Right of the Sales Tax Report to select the filing period you would like to view.

You'll notice that each state visible in your Dashboard shows a due date for the next sales tax return filing deadline.  Our reports automatically default to show you the monthly filing due dates for each state. But, your filing frequency is determined by the state when you register for a sales tax license--so your frequency may be different.

If any of your nexus states require you to file Quarterly, or Annually, you can change the filing frequency to match your schedule by clicking on the "change" link next to the state name in your  State Settings. We show you how to do this here.

If you'd like to have us file your returns for you automatically, you can do this by enrolling in our AutoFile service. We show you how to get enrolled in AutoFile here.

Watch our on-demand TaxJar demo video here.