AutoFile Banking FAQ

AutoFile Banking Frequently Asked Questions 

AutoFile Banking Frequently Asked Questions

Does TaxJar's AutoFile debit my bank account for the taxes I owe the state?

No; the state will debit your bank account for the tax payment due.

I'm registering with the state but plan to use AutoFile for my returns. What should I enter if the state asks me to set up my banking/payment details during registration?

  • In order to enroll in AutoFile, you must first have an active sales tax registration. If you would like to be consistent in your set up with the state and the details you plan to use for AutoFile during the registration process, we recommend that you set-up this portion of your account with the state using the bank account and routing details that you plan to use when you enroll in AutoFile. 
  • If the state asks you to choose an ACH Debit or ACH Credit as a payment option, please select ACH Debit. 
  • When you enroll in AutoFile, you'll need to provide the bank account and routing number in your AutoFile enrollment form. Those details will be submitted to the state along with your return and the state will do an ACH debit of your account. 

Can I enroll in AutoFile if my bank is not located in the United States?

No. In order to use this service, you will need to have a US-based bank account (the bank must have an actual location in the US) that allows for ACH debits.

Do I need to have a corporate bank account to enroll in AutoFile?

No. As long as the bank is US based and allows for ACH debits, it does not need to be a business or corporate bank account.

If I enroll in AutoFile in multiple states, can I use different bank accounts for the debits for some states?

No. We currently support a single bank account for all AutoFile enrollments in a TaxJar account. Once you've been successfully enrolled in AutoFile for one state, the same banking details used in the initial enrollment will automatically apply to all additional AutoFile enrollments.

Should I use a Checking or Savings account to enroll in AutoFile?

Some states (such as Virginia and New Jersey) require a checking account for tax payments. If you plan to enroll in AutoFile for a combination of states that includes Virginia or New Jersey, you should enroll with a checking account.