How can I see Actual vs. Expected tax amounts for each transaction?

If you have a TaxJar Professional subscription, you can see the Actual vs. Expected detail for individual transactions in two places: the Transactions page detail for the order as well as your CSV exports.

  • This data will pinpoint the difference between TaxJar’s Actual and Expected Reports for each state. 
  • You can use this information to identify potential adjustments that could make the actual sales tax collected more accurate. Further, this feature will also help with any reconciliations and other transaction analyses you might conduct.

In-App View

To see this in the app, visit the Transactions page and click the "+" next to the transaction you want to review. 

  • On the next screen, you'll see both the Actual amount of tax collected for the order as well as the Expected Tax Due estimate for that order.

CSV Export View:

To see this in your CSV exports, export your transactions into a .csv file and you’ll see a column for the Actual Tax Collected and the Expected Tax Due estimate for each transaction: