How does TaxJar handle multi-store configurations in Magento?

Magento 1 is no longer supported. New Magento 1 account connections will no longer be supported, please use the Magento 2 integration. Learn more about this here

If you have multiple stores managed through a single Magento 1 admin panel, your TaxJar Magento 1 Extension will be applied to all of the stores managed in that admin panel.

Some things to consider:

  • All of your Magento 1 stores managed through the single admin panel will be imported into a single TaxJar account. This means the transactions for each store will be combined into one set of TaxJar state reports. If you're using AutoFile, we will use all of the transactions in your TaxJar account for that period when we file for you, which would be a combination of transactions from all of your stores in that single Magento admin panel.
  • The Magento 1 Extension's settings are global, so this means your Nexus Addresses will apply to each of your stores managed in that admin panel.
  • The same situation applies for your backup rates.
    • However, you can target specific tax classes used by a specific store.

If you have multiple Magento stores but they are managed through separate Magento admin panels, hop over to our article about linking multiple Magento stores to your TaxJar account.