How does the Amazon MWS renewal policy affect my TaxJar account?

As of 2018, Amazon requires sellers to renew MWS developer access (for apps such as TaxJar) once a year. When this authorization is due, Amazon deactivates your MWS token and prevents TaxJar from importing any new sales data.

You'll need to follow the steps below to fully re-connect your Amazon account to TaxJar.

  1. To renew the MWS token and re-authorize your connection with TaxJar, please follow Amazon's instructions here: Annual Developer Permissions Renewal for all MWS Authorizations
  2. After you renew the MWS token in your Seller Central account, you'll need to log back into TaxJar and go to the Linked Accounts page.
  3. Next, please follow the steps in this article to reconnect your Amazon account.